Camps and adventure at Woodbury Boston

When we talk to our students about what they love most about our school, a very common answer is “camps!” From kindy onwards, our students mark time not only by moving into a new classroom, but by attending longer and more challenging camps.

Starting with our very youngest students (and their parents), camps give our kids the chance to experience adventure, consolidate relationships, interact with community members, and learn new skills. Here’s a look at a few camps we try to run each year.

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Whole school camp

Open to all students and their parents, whole-school camp is the first big event of the year. New parents and students have the chance to get to know the staff and school community in a relaxed setting. Students can look forward to bushwalks, star-gazing, beachcombing, and sleeping in a tent at this laidback community event. 

Whole-school camp generally happens toward the beginning of term one, and has important cross-curricular links in Science, Geography, and History. Language links are made after the fact as the kids recount their favourite memories in English class.

Dryandra camp

The students’ first true overnight camp experience happens at Dryandra Woodland. The year 3-4 class makes the journey together. The highlight is a Nocturnal Guided Walk, facilitated by the Parks andWildlife Service. Students get the chance to see all kinds of nocturnal creatures, like woylies, numbats, bilbies, and quendas, in their natural habitat.

Guide spotlighting native animals, photo by Marc Simojoki_Cropped 4x3.jpg

There’s lots of time left over for cubby house building, exploring local flora, and games of spotlight. Curriculum links in Science, Languages, Social Sciences, and Health/Phys Ed are integrated seamlessly in a fun, exciting way.

Sailing camp

This camp gives our older students a chance to learn how to sail a ‘small-cat’ catamaran. All lessons are taught by an accredited sailing instructor. This camp ticks off learning requirements for Phys Ed, Health, and Science in an ‘out-of-the-box’ way, helping our Year 5-6 class develop new skills and form life-long memories.

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Quest camp

The crowning glory for Woodbury Boston students is Quest. After hearing about Quest from older students throughout primary school, and with the experience of two years of Dryandra camp under their belts, our year 5-6 students are well and truly ready for the challenge. Quest is a six-day experience that consolidates many of the skills that we value at Woodbury Boston. These include:

  • Problem solving

  • Self-reliance

  • Resilience

  • Risk assessment  

And there is so much more. The students learn responsible camping practice, water conservation, landscape features, and historical landmarks – plus, they experience true adventure! Quest is an unforgettable camp experience for our senior students. 

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Space and support

Like every learning experience at Woodbury Boston, we give our students both space and support during camps. Our students are encouraged to challenge themselves and our staff are always on hand to help if needed. Camps are a special part of attending Woodbury Boston Primary School, and a huge source of joy for both staff and students.


Recommended Reading


Woodbury Boston Primary School is a progressive independent school nestled in the bush between Denmark and Albany WA. We know that children learn best when they’re happy and having fun. With a strong focus on community, respect, independence and nature-based teaching, our students learn the Western Australian Curriculum and so much more. For more information or to book a personal tour, please ring 9845 1185.