Parent Resources

your one-stop shop for information


We use the uEducateUs app to keep in touch with Woodbury Boston parents. We use the App for urgent notifications, and it’s where you’ll find the weekly newsletter and stationery lists, plus be able to submit absence notifications etc. Once you have installed the App you will be able to log on using the login and password sent to you when your child enrolled. Contact admin for more information.


parent handbook

This page has answers to many common questions, and perhaps answers to questions you haven’t even thought of yet. If you still have questions, please contact us at school.


The school must be notified of all student absences. Notification must include the reason for the absence. Absences can be notified:

  • In advance by note, email, phone call to the school office or via the uEducateUs App;

  • By 9.00am on the day of the absence, via the uEducateUs App, by email, or phone call to the office;

  • By replying to an absence reminder SMS sent from the school.

For more information about school attendance, including extended absences, please see our  Attendance Policy.


All parents and visitors are expected to abide by our Parent and Visitor Code of Conduct. If you have any questions regarding these Standards, please contact the school.


Birthdays are such an exciting time! If you wish, you are welcome to bring a cake for your child’s class to celebrate. Please contact your child’s teacher to determine the best time for this. (Of course, this is optional – no matter what your child may tell you – you don’t HAVE to send in a cake!)
See also our Healthy Eating Policy


The school is serviced by government contract school buses, run by private contractors and administered by the School Bus Services division of the Public Transport Authority (PTA).

Students need PTA approval to travel on school buses. To apply for Student Transport Assistance, go to A brochure on school bus services is available in the school office.

If you need to temporarily change your child’s bus arrangements, you must contact your bus driver to arrange this. Please also advise the school of the change in arrangements.

Albany Bus 0476 503 683
Denmark Bus 0437 166 035

Bush Fire Procedure

Our school has a well-developed policy and procedure for responding to a bushfire or bushfire threat, which is reviewed each year as we move into bushfire season. For more information see Bushfire – Information for Parents or contact the school office.


The school has several camps throughout the year. To help with your planning, here are the dates and expected costs of the camps for 2025. (See also the weekly newsletters, the calendar given to all families at the beginning of the year, and the calendar on the App)

Whole School Camp

Who: All the children, and as many parents as are able to come
When: 26 - 28 February 2025
Cost: $120 per child and $134 per adult (12+) for full-time (part-time costs are pro-rata for meals and nights attended)

Who: Years 3 and 4
When: 22-23 May 2025
Cost: Approximately $20 per child

Quest 1
Who: Years 5 and 6
When: 23 - 27 June 2025 (TBC)
Cost: Approximately $610 per child

Year 3 and 4 Camp
Who: Years 3 and 4
When: 20 - 22 August 2025
Cost: Cost to be confirmed

Quest 2
Who: Years 5 and 6
When: 1 - 5 September 2025 (TBC)
Cost: Approximately $610 per child

Change of routine

If your child’s end-of-day routine is going to be different to the usual, please advise the school by phone. For example, if your child is being collected from school instead of catching the bus, or if someone other than you is collecting your child from school.

If someone other than a parent or guardian is collecting your child from school, you must notify the school, including the name of the person. Children will not be released to anyone other than parents or guardians, unless prior parent or guardian permission has been received.

Collecting Students from School

If you need to collect your child from school during the school day, please go to the admin area before going to your child’s classroom.

When collecting your children from school at the end of the day, please arrive by 2.50 pm.
Students from Kindergarten to year 2 who are being collected at the end of the day will remain in the classroom until collected by a parent.

If someone other than a parent or guardian is collecting your child from school, you must notify the school, including the name of the person. Children will not be released to anyone other than parents or guardians, unless prior parent or guardian permission has been received.


The best way to contact the school for urgent matters is by phone or email. Outside of school hours, please leave a voicemail. Email is usually checked frequently throughout the school day, however for a change in going-home arrangements, please phone the school, as emails may not be seen before the buses leave.

The school newsletter and the uEducateUs App are the main forms of communication between the school and parents. The newsletter is produced weekly on a Tuesday. Hard copies of the newsletter are sent home with the children, and an electronic copy is on the App. Please be sure to read the newsletter as soon as it is available, as it contains important information. Parent contributions and community notices for the newsletter are welcome where space permits; please email your information to admin by Monday afternoon for possible inclusion in that week’s newsletter.

Alerts, urgent notifications, event notices and reminders are communicated via the uEducateUs App. Download the app from the App Store applicable to your mobile device by searching for uEducateUs Mobile.  While installing the app, please agree to enable push notifications. Once the app is installed, you will need to use your individual login and password as provided by the school, to log in.

The school keeps a record of all communication between parents and the school. Please do not SMS your child’s teacher on their personal mobile, as this is not an official mode of communication, and records cannot be kept. However on Out & About days you are welcome to SMS the school mobile with information about the going home arrangements for your child for that day.

The school mobile (0427 451 185) is only used during camps and excursions, including Out & About days. Please do not call or SMS the school mobile at other times.


We welcome feedback from parents, and we treat all complaints or concerns seriously. For more information about making a complaint, see our Disputes and Complaints Policy and Disputes and Complaints Parent Information.

Contact Details

Administration: 9845 1185
Office hours 8.30 – 4.30 Monday – Friday
School mobile: 0427 451 185 (used during camps, O & A and excursions only)
Postal: 11 Shelley Beach Road, Kronkup WA 6330

Dental Clinic

Our students may use the services of the Yakamia Dental Therapy Centre, based at Yakamia Primary School in Albany. Enrolment forms for the centre are sent home from school at the beginning of the year, for new students. The centre can be contacted on 9841 3498.


Tuition fees are charged just prior to the beginning of each term, and payment is due by the end of week two of term. Fees paid in full by the due date receive a 3% discount. Fees for the current school year can be found here.

Fees may also be paid by regular installments throughout the year, please contact administration to arrange this.

Special Fee Arrangements may be available on application, for families in financial difficulties; please contact administration for more information and an application form.

Fees can be paid by:

  • Cash at school

  • Cheque

  • Internet Transfer to BSB 016510, account 3511 32611 (Please include student surname and ‘fees’ as a reference)

Curriculum Related Activities (CRA) fee is charged and due at the beginning of each semester.

Costs for camps and other excursions are charged as they arise, and must be paid before the child attends the camp or excursion.


All students, staff and visitors to the school are required to wear a wide-brimmed hat for all outdoor activities at school and on school excursions throughout the year. Please note, caps are not considered adequate sun-protection. See also the Sun Protection Policy.

Head Lice

The school has a clear Head Lice policy to ensure a consistent, coordinated and cooperative approach to managing head lice in the school community.

If a child is found to have head lice at school, the parents are informed. The child may not return to school until treatment for head lice has commenced.

For more information, see the Head Lice Policy and Head Lice Information Sheet


Children need to bring their lunch and other snacks to school with them, as the school does not have a canteen. We encourage children to have a healthy lunch; please see the Healthy Eating Policy for more information. Please do not send chocolates or lollies with your child’s lunch.

Children are welcome to bring sandwiches to toast, or leftovers to re-heat at school. If using the microwave to reheat leftovers, children will need to bring their own microwave-safe container, and their own fork or spoon. Please do not send ‘2-minute noodles’, ‘cup-a-soups’, or anything else that requires boiling water.

Canteen Lunch: Where timetable and sufficient volunteers allow, the school will provide a fortnightly ‘canteen lunch’. This is where two or three parent volunteers prepare a meal at school, which children can buy. If you are interested in helping with canteen lunch, please contact the school. All volunteers for the canteen lunches are required to hold a food handler certificate, contact the school to find out more about free online training for this certificate.

Out & About Days

Out & About days are held regularly (usually Friday fortnightly) throughout the year, however the timing of these days may change from time to time to suit the school’s needs and the available activities.

The itinerary and full information about each Out & About day is published in that week’s newsletter.

For some Out & About days, the students have the opportunity to buy their lunch. Options and prices are printed in the newsletter, and orders and money are to be at school on the Thursday (the day before O & A). Due to ordering timelines, late orders are not possible.

If you need to contact the school urgently regarding a change of arrangements for your child on O & A days, please call the school mobile 0427 451 185.


If your child requires medication during the school day on a short term basis, please complete this form detailing the medication, dosage, how it is to be administered, etc, and give the form and the medication to school staff. For long term medication needs, please contact administration. Medications are kept in a locked cupboard (or locked box in the fridge), and and are only accessible to staff.


The newsletter is the main form of communication between the school and parents and is produced weekly on a Tuesday. Hard copies of the newsletter are sent home with the children, and an electronic copy is on the uEducateUs App. Please make sure you read the newsletter as soon as it is available, as it contains important information. Parent contributions and community notices for the newsletter are welcome where space permits; please email your information to admin by Monday afternoon for possible inclusion in that week’s newsletter.


Parent and visitor parking is along the verge on Shelley Beach Road. Please park on an angle, and make sure you leave the entry and exit to the bus bay clear. If you require car access onto the school grounds due to mobility issues or an emergency, please contact administration for instruction.


Dogs and other animals are not normally allowed on school grounds. Dogs on a leash may be brought on to the grounds if it is with you when you are collecting your child at the end of the day – your dog must remain on the leash and under your control at all times. Please clean up after your pet.

Pets and other animals may be brought to school for a short time for ‘show and tell’ or ‘news’ items; please arrange this with your child’s teacher in advance.


Written student reports are issued for all students at the end of each semester.

Semester one reports are given to parents when they arrive for parent-teacher interviews. Interviews are conducted during the day over the last two days of term two.

Semester two reports are posted to parents at the end of the school year.

School Hours

School begins 8.45 am
Recess 10.32 – 10.50am
Lunch 12.32 – 1.10pm
Buses leave school 3.00 pm

Please do not bring your children to school before 8.30am, as there is no supervision of students on the school grounds before 8.30am and after 3.00pm.

School Nurse

The school is visited several times a year by the Community Health Nurse with Great Southern Population Health. Our school nurse does school-entry vision and hearing checks for kindergarten and pre-primary students, and is also available on referral for other health concerns for any of the children. To contact the school nurse, please call administration for contact details and referral forms.

Swimming Lessons

The school does not provide formal swimming lessons. All students are encouraged to have swimming lessons, either during each school term, or as part of the Vacswim program in the school holidays. Learning to swim is a vital life skill, and the school’s adventure program includes many water activities, including sailing, surfing and canoeing, all of which require a certain level of swimming ability.

VacSwim provides very reasonably priced swimming lessons to students aged 5 – 18 in October and December/January of each year. For more information about VacSwim, or to enrol, go to The Albany Leisure and Aquatic Centre also provides swimming lessons for swimmers aged 7 months to adult, contact 9844 2250 or for more information.

Stationery Lists

School stationery lists for the following year are posted to families with the end of year school reports. They’re also accessible on the App. It is important all students have the full list of requirements to ensure smooth classroom activities.

Term Dates 2024

Term 1: Wednesday 5 February – Friday 11 April (Kindy students commence Monday 10 February)
Term 2: Monday 28 April – Friday 4 July
Term 3: Monday 21 July – Friday 26 September
Term 4: Monday 13 October – Friday 12 December

See also the calendar provided to all families, and the calendar on the App.

Visiting the School

Parents are welcome to visit the school at any time. Please sign in at the administration area first, and wear a ‘just visiting’ badge while you are on the school grounds. (Signing in at school is part of our child protection and fire and emergency evacuation procedures, ensuring we know who is on the school grounds.)